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#111 : Le bout du tunnel


Nancy est claustrophobe. Elle ne peut descendre dans un tunnel pour soigner une victime et envoie Glenn à sa place. Mais l'état de la victime est grave et elle doit descendre à son tour pour évacuer la blessée.

De son côté, Rabbit doit intervenir auprès d'un voleur de banque dont le braquage a mal tourné.

Titre VO
Tunnel vision

Titre VF
Le bout du tunnel

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Première diffusion en France

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Titre en VO: Tunnel vision
Titre en VF: Le bout du tunnel

Diffusion US: 08 mars 2009
Diffusion FR: 04 juillet 2010

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Dans une voiture, deux jeunes couples qui ont organisé une soirée très festive, roulent sur un pont, en discutant joyeusement. Un moment d’inattention du conducteur, c’est l’accident. La voiture passe par-dessus le parapet du pont et tombe sur une voie de dégagement plus bas. Les ambulances 78 et 114 sont immédiatement envoyées sur les lieux.

Nancy et Glenn arrivent les premiers, suivis par Boone et Tyler. Ils parlent aux jeunes gens pour les rassurer. Tyle constate que le conducteur est mort. Nancy signale que l’une des passagères est coincée dans le siège de la voiture et que le deuxième jeune homme réclame des secours d’urgence. Boone tente de calmer l’autre passagère, très choquée, pendant que Nancy s’occupe de la passagère encastrée. Glen et Rabbit s’emploient à évacuer son compagnon, gravement blessé. Marisa se tient prête à décoller.

Les pompiers ne pouvant arriver immédiatement, Rabbit et Tyler décident de prendre le risque de dégager sans plus attendre la passagère dont les jambes sont coincées. La jeune femme est inquiète car elle ne sent plus ses pieds mais s’effondre lorsqu’elle comprend que son compagnon est mort.


La journée est terminée, les ambulances rentrent au centre de secours, l’hélicoptère est dans son hangar et Marisa remplit sur son ordinateur le compte rendu de sa garde. Bonne fait remarquer que le centre a répondu à 11 appels en 10 heures. Tyler invite Boone à une partie de poker sur la table à côté de Marisa. Boone est prêt à rentrer mais s’assoit quand Tyler insiste : Sela et les enfants sont au lit, en train de dormir. Marisa ferme son ordinateur et rentre dans la partie. Glenn s’assoit également en disant qu’il hait son job. Boone ne comprend pas qu’une jeune recrue puisse déjà haïr son job.

Nancy refuse de rentrer dans la partie, elle veut rentrer chez elle. Rabbit arrive, s’assoit mais se montre très fatigué de sa journée. Pendant qu’il s’étire, le Capitaine Basra vient demander un volontaire pour l’équipe de nuit, mais ajoute qu’il peut accepter la totalité des volontaires qui se présenteront. Glenn regarde Nancy, Marisa regarde Rabbit, Tyler lève la main, suivi par Boone. Glenn voit Nancy sourire et Marisa est enthousiaste quand Rabbit lève la main. Le capitaine les remercie.

Les membres de l’équipe se lèvent, tous heureux, même Glenn, de repartir ensemble.


Le lendemain, Rabbit trouve Nancy seule dans la salle de repos. Ils s’embrassent mais en entendant quelqu’un arriver Rabbit se cache. C’est Marisa qui les interrompt et manque les surprendre. Elle demande à Nancy la permission de mettre son repas au frais dans le réfrigérateur des ambulanciers car Rabbit mange tout ce qu’elle met dans le leur. En fermant la porte elle découvre Rabbit caché derrière. Au moment de sortir, Marisa se retourne pour les attendre car elle refuse de laisser son déjeuner seul avec Rabbit. Elle regarde Nancy et Rabbit sortir de la salle de repos. Elle semble soupçonner quelque chose.

Pendant ce temps, le capitaine Basra a appelé Boone dans son bureau. Il lui explique qu’il doit s’absenter pour passer des tests de stress. Il va devoir courir sur un tapis roulant. Boone se propose pour garder le bureau, Basra lui demande de garder pour lui ce qu’il vient d’apprendre.

Rabbit montre un air joyeux et Marisa essaie d’en connaître la raison. Elle lui demande s’il s’agit d’une fille ou de deux, il lui répond que c’est beaucoup mieux avant de s’en aller.


Sur un chantier de construction, deux ouvriers parlent de leur week-end. L’un d’eux, une jeune femme, Laura-Jean, s’introduit dans un puits. L’autre ouvrier se penche au dessus pour continuer leur conversation, un outil tombe de sa poche sur la jeune femme, qui lâche l’échelle et tombe lourdement au fond du puits.

C’est Nancy et Glenn qui reçoivent l’appel pour l’intervention. Le chef du chantier les conduit au puits en leur expliquant qu’ils ont attendu qu’ils arrivent avant de la remonter. Nancy se penche au dessus du puits, mais demande à Glenn de descendre. Elle lui fait quelques recommandations et lui demande d’être ses yeux. Glenn descend en assurant qu’il fera de son mieux. Glenn ausculte Laura Jean et crie à Nancy qu’elle doit descendre aussi, Laura Jean est intransportable.

Nancy met son casque et se prépare à descendre. Glenn s’aperçoit qu’elle n’est pas à l’aise, elle avoue qu’elle est claustrophobe. Nancy constate que l’état de la blessée est grave et le puits étroit ne permet pas de la remonter en la gardant bien horizontalement, la remonter à la verticale la tuerait. Ils ont besoin d'une autre ouverture, comme un tunnel.


Pendant ce temps, dans une banque, un hold-up se prépare. Un homme brandit un révolver et demande l’argent à la caissière. Il fait coucher tout le monde à terre, en se protégeant d’un otage.

Un client qui tient encore son stylo dans la main. Au moment ou le braqueur, Jason, se penche vers lui pour le menacer de son arme s’il bouge, le client plante son stylo dans le cou de Jason qui lâche son arme. L’otage, Christine, ramasse l’arme révélant par son geste qu’elle est complice du malfaiteur. Elle s’inquiète de l’état de celui-ci. Jason lui demande de tuer le client qui l’a agressé.

Entre-temps, Nancy et Glenn ont donné les premiers soins à Laura Jean, mais Nancy est inquiète pour l’engagement vital de leur patiente s’ils restent coincés dans le puits plus d’une heure. Elle est pressée de plus de se retrouver à l’extérieur. Glenn essaie de la distraire en lui parlant de l’état de Laura Jean dont l’examen neurologique est inchangé mais qui souffre beaucoup. Nancy, accrochée à un barreau de l’échelle, donne ses instructions à Glenn pour la soulager.

Le chef du chantier a étudié les plans de la plateforme et leur indique un tunnel qui part sur leur gauche, menant sur un conduit d’air qui s’ouvre sur la rue. Nancy est affolée en constatant l’étroitesse du boyau.


Rabbit fonce sur le réfrigérateur du centre de secours. Pressé, il bouscule même un ambulancier. En s’excusant, il explique qu’il s’agit d’une urgence et prend même le journal des mains de Léo. C’est avec un sac bien garni et un fauteuil pliant qu’il arrive à l’hélicoptère que Marisa est prête à faire décoller. Marisa lui rappelle qu’ils vont sur un braquage de banque, Rabbit corrige : un braquage de banque peut durer une éternité. Arrivés sur place, Marisa est étonnée de voir Rabbit s’asseoir sur le fauteuil et se préparer à attendre. Marisa s’accroupit à côté de lui pendant qu’il sort le journal du sac. Boone et Tyler arrivent et préparent le matériel. Boone se renseigne pour connaître où en sont les négociations, puis ils se partagent les pages du journal.

A l’intérieur de la banque, le téléphone sonne, Jason se précipite pour empêcher la caissière de répondre. Puis il se tourne vers le client qui l’a blessé en le menaçant de son arme. Christine se met entre eux et répond au téléphone pour exiger un médecin.

Glenn essaie de plaisanter pour Nancy et essaie de la convaincre qu’ils se trouvent dans un stupide tunnel d’égout avec son stupide partenaire. Nancy répond que c’est justement ce qu’elle était en train de se dire, ce qui ne la rassure pas.

Devant la banque, l’agent spécial Reynolds vient demander à nos urgentistes si l’un d’entre eux a déjà participé à une prise d’otages auparavant. Boone et Rabbit le suivent mais Reynolds demande à Boone de rester à l’extérieur car Rabbit sera accompagné de l’agent du FBI Bruce Rader qui est médecin.

Pour tromper le temps, Tyler demande à Marisa la permission de visiter son appareil et il est émerveillé par son équipement médical. Marisa inquiète, lui demande de ne rien toucher.


Rabbit et l’agent Rader entrent dans la banque. Christine les fouille et vérifie les sacs médicaux. Jason veut confisquer le scalpel mais Rabbit tout en s’approchant lui indique qu’il ne veut que vérifier la gravité de sa blessure.

Jason voyant que Rader, resté à la porte examine les lieux, croit à un leurre. Rabbit lui demande de rester calme, pour qu’il puisse l’examiner, car il a déjà perdu beaucoup de sang. Il lui demande de s’asseoir dans un endroit d’où il pourra surveiller toute la banque.

Jason pense qu’ils mentent et qu’ils sont des policiers. Il tourne son arme et tire sur le client de la banque qui l’a blessé, semant la panique. Jason leur demande de s’occuper du blessé. Rabbit et Rader se précipitent vers lui.

A l’extérieur, le FBI surveille ce qui se passe dans la banque avec des jumelles.


En les regardant soigner le blessé, Jason comprend que Rabbit est bien médecin mais il a un doute pour Rader. Il veut qu’on lui dise la vérité sinon il tirera sur un autre otage et demandera à Rader de s’en occuper. Ce dernier avoue qu’il est un agent du FBI. Si Jason lui tire dessus, 40 collègues en position autour de la banque entreront avec des armes. Rabbit fait remarquer à Jason que ce geste n’aiderait personne. Christine intervient et essaie de convaincre Jason de ne pas tuer Rader. Mais l’agent du FBI fait un geste et Christine pointe son arme sur lui et lui demande de s’allonger sur le sol. Jason demande des bandages à Rabbit pour que Christine puisse attacher les mains de rader.

A l’extérieur, le FBI a vu leur agent attaché. Reynolds évoque son hésitation à laisser la vie des otages entre les mains d’un cow-boy médecin.

Jason demande à Rabbit de s’occuper de lui plutôt que du client blessé. Rabbit propose alors un marché. Rader rappelle à Rabbit qu’il n’a pas autorité pour traiter avec Jason. Jugeant que Rader n’est pas en position de le faire, Rabbit demande à Jason de laisser partir le blessé pour qu’il soit traité à l’extérieur puis il pourra s’occuper de lui. Si le blessé meurt, il ne pourra rien faire. Jason fait taire Rader qui proteste et demande à Christine de prévenir dehors qu’ils vont faire sortir quelqu’un.

Le blessé est rapidement évacué par Boone et Tyler dans l’hélicoptère. Marisa s’inquiète pour Rabbit mais Boone n’a pas eu de nouvelle.

Rader montre clairement qu’il n’apprécie pas la façon dont Rabbit s’est saisi de la situation.


Avec la prise d’otages dans la banque, l’équipe d’ambulanciers a conscience que la situation est tendue même pour Rabbit.

Boone et Tyler ne sont pas habitués à travailler dans l’hélicoptère. Tyler est obligé de chercher tout ce que Boone lui demande. Marisa les aide en leur indiquant où sont rangés les produits et le matériel dont ils ont besoin. Ils sont étonnés de tout ce que Marisa connait, elle leur répond qu’ils n’ont aucune idée sur ce qu’elle a pu voir. Tyler se demande comment Rabbit peut travailler quand l’appareil tangue dans un trou d’air. Marisa lui répond qu’elle tient à conserver son patient vivant.

Dans le conduit d’égout, Nancy essaie de dompter sa peur panique. Elle a l’impression qu’ils tournent en rond et qu’ils n’en sortiront jamais. L’équipe est arrivée devant un passage bloqué, non signalé sur les plans. Nancy a les nerfs à fleur de peau. Le chef de la plateforme les informe par radio qu’il cherche un autre chemin. Nancy étouffe, elle reprend le tunnel dans l’autre sens ; Glenn est inquiet pour elle. Les pompiers posent la civière à terre. Glenn rattrape Nancy plus loin, il lui assure qu’ils vont sortir du tunnel. Nancy est en panique et n’écoute rien.

Laura Jean cesse de respirer, Glenn se précipite vers elle, il demande à Nancy de lui dire quoi faire. Nancy le regarde, tétanisée.


Autour de la banque, les forces de police prennent position. A l’intérieur, Rabbit examine la blessure de Jason. Il demande à Rabbit d’enlever le stylo. Rabbit lui explique qu’il doit stopper d’abord l’hémorragie. S’il retire le stylo, Jason mourra dans les deux minutes. Jason dit à Rabbit qu’il aurait pu être un héros. Rabbit le fait rire en répondant qu’il serait un triste héros s’il laissait mourir son patient. Jason mis en confiance, baisse son arme.

Rader s’en aperçoit et ajoute que la chose la plus importante est que tout le monde se retrouve dehors, en bonne santé. Jason, pris de faiblesse, appelle Christine et lui donne son arme. Rabbit le fait allonger sur le sol puis dit à Christine que Jason a besoin d’une chirurgie et être transporté rapidement à l’hôpital. Rabbit insiste, il doit voir un chirurgien dans les 15 minutes, ou il mourra de sa perte de sang. Christine le supplie de s’en occuper dans la banque.

Dans le tunnel, Glenn s’active auprès de Laura Jean, Nancy n’arrive pas à se ressaisir. Glenn lui rappelle que la jeune femme va mourir, puis il la pousse à réagir en indiquant ses observations et lui demande de qu’il doit faire. Les pompiers assistent Glenn, sous les directives de Nancy qui ne peut s’éloigner de la paroi. Laura Jean passe en détresse respiratoire. Glenn bouscule Nancy en lui faisant remarquer qu’il n’y avait qu’une seule mourante et il demande à nouveau ce qu’il doit faire. Nancy fait une rapide analyse de l’état de leur patience et Glenn conclut qu’elle doit pratiquer une intubation.


Dans l’hélicoptère, Tyler et Boone rencontre des difficultés pour contrôler la perte de sang de la victime. Marisa prévient que l’équipe de trauma attend déjà le blessé. Tyler dit à Marisa qu’ils ne peuvent pas soigner un patient avec les perturbations qui font déstabiliser l’appareil. Marisa lui rappelle qu’ils sont dans un hélicoptère et qu’elle fait tout son possible pour que tout se passe au mieux.

Ils arrivent enfin à stabiliser l’état de leur patient avant d’arriver à l’hôpital. Tyler se montre enthousiaste d’avoir vécu ce moment impressionnant

Glenn essaie de calmer Nancy et de lui faire reprendre son souffle. Il lui assure qu’elle peut pratiquer l’intubation. Nancy s’approche mais le tuyau tremble dans sa main. Nancy pense que Glenn est assez formé maintenant pour le faire car il serait irresponsable de sa part de prendre ce risque. Glenn n’hésite plus, il se saisit du matériel et guidé par Nancy, introduit le tuyau dans la bouche de Laura Jean. Lorsqu’elle peut respirer enfin, Nancy félicite Glenn tout heureux d’avoir réussi son intervention.

A ce moment, le chef de la plateforme leur indique une autre direction pour sortir par une trappe de maintenance.

Dans la banque, Rabbit insiste auprès de Christine, Jason n’a plus beaucoup de temps, il a besoin d’urgence d’un chirurgien. Christine voudrait convaincre Jason d’accepter mais il continue à refuser. Rabbit demande à Christine de déposer ses armes pour pouvoir sortir et faire transporter Jason dans une ambulance.

A l’extérieur, un tireur d’élite tient Christine en joue. Sans écouter Jason et suivant le conseil de Rabbit, Christine décide de donner ses révolvers.


Au moment où, contre l’avis de Jason, Christine dépose ses armes dans les mains de Rabbit, le sniper abat la jeune femme. Christine tombe sur Jason qui se relève, mais il est aussitôt abattu à son tour.

Rabbit est couvert du sang de Jason et Christine.

Dans la banque, c’est la consternation, les otages ne réalisent pas ce qu’il vient de se passer aussi rapidement. Rabbit est hébété, par reflexe il s’est éloigné des cibles mais ne comprend pas, Christine avait décidé de se rendre.

Les agents du FBI entrent, Reynolds à leur suite. Ils délivrent Rader, attaché sur le sol. Rabbit interpelle Reynolds et lui reproche d’avoir abattu Christine au moment où elle lui avait donné ses armes ainsi que de lui avoir adjoint un clown en la personne de Rader. Reynolds répond que les otages et lui sont saufs et constate que Rabbit a un problème avec l’autorité. Montrant son visage et ses gants maculés de sang Rabbit répond que là est son problème. Il passe sa main sur le visage de Reynolds, y laissant une trace de sang, puis jette ses gants et sort de la banque, en colère.  

L’équipe de Nancy et Glenn arrive enfin à l‘air libre. Nancy est soulagée et respire profondément pour chasser le stress accumulé dans le puits.

L’hélicoptère s’est posé à l’hôpital. Boone par téléphone promet à Sela de rentrer bientôt à la maison. Tyler propose à Marisa, enchantée, de ranger et nettoyer l’hélicoptère.


Tyler propose à Marisa de faire équipe avec elle aux dates qui lui conviendront, mais elle est déjà prise par Rabbit. Tyler pensait que l’appareil appartenait à Marisa. Ils se mettent à frotter la civière vigoureusement, tout en riant et plaisantant. Marisa est enchantée, habituellement elle nettoie le matériel toute seule.

Arrivés à l’hôpital, Nancy confie Laura Jean à l’équipe de trauma. Diana s’inquiète de savoir si la blessée a bien été transportée à l’horizontale. Nancy lui répond qu’elle ne peut se faire une idée sur la manière dont elle a été transportée. Glenn rejoint Nancy qui, très embarrassée et honteuse, s’excuse de son comportement. Glenn ne veut rien entendre, Nancy l’a pris en charge depuis le début de sa formation, il est heureux d'avoir pu être enfin là pour elle.

Elle s’inquiète de ce passage sur le livre de Glenn, ce dernier la rassure et promet de ne pas le consigner, d’autant plus que son livre est en attente depuis un certain temps. Nancy voudrait connaître la raison, Glenn explique que plus il passe de temps à faire ce travail, moins il a envie d’écrire à ce sujet. Il pense que cela n’a pas de sens, Nancy au contraire trouve que ça en a énormément.

Glenn a éprouvé beaucoup de joie après avoir pratiqué l’intubation, lorsqu’il a vu Laura Jean recommencer à respirer. Nancy le félicite, elle l’a trouvé très professionnel. Reconnaissant, Glenn la remercie.


Boone appelle le capitaine Basra pour lui faire un compte rendu de la journée. Le capitaine l’informe que les résultats des tests de stress ne sont pas très bons, le médecin va le garder à l’hôpital pendant deux semaines.

Boone rassure le capitaine, il est prêt à prendre l’intérim. Le capitaine regrette, mais il pense que Boone ne va pas aimer ce qu’il va lui demander de faire.

Glenn est dans la salle d’attente de l’hôpital. Diana vient le rejoindre pour lui parler de Laura Jean, qui était mal en point quand ils l’ont emmenée. Elle le rassure, son état est stable et elle a retrouvé des sensations dans ses pieds. Puis elle lui demande qui a pratiqué l’intubation. Glenn s’inquiète et demande s’il y a un problème. Diana répond que l’intubation a été parfaite, aucune dent n’a été ébréchée, aucune abrasion sur la muqueuse, Laura Jean n’aura, probablement, même pas un mal de gorge. Soulagée, Glenn répond que Nancy est une pro. Diana fait remarquer avec un petit sourire ironique, que Nancy a toujours provoqué une sorte de trauma laryngal. En sortant, Diana se retourne et lui dit qu’il a fait un très joli travail. Resté seul, Glenn sourit, fier de ce qu’il a réalisé.

Dans le vestiaire du centre de secours, Rabbit nettoie le sang qui a été projeté sur lui. Boone le convoque dans le bureau du capitaine Basra. Il le félicite pour le travail qu’il a accompli à la banque et pour tous les otages saufs. Mais le capitaine l’a chargé de lui confisquer son permis d’urgentiste, pour voies de fait contre un agent du FBI. Rabbit explique que Christine lui avait donné ses révolvers et qu’elle a malgré tout reçu une balle dans la tête. Boone comprend Rabbit, c’est son ami, mais il doit l’informer qu’il est suspendu sans traitement en attendant un examen. Rabbit comprend que Boone agit en qualité de capitaine.

Rabbit traverse le centre de secours déserté et prend le chemin de chez lui.

A car driving on a bridge. Within four young people who have organized an evening.

Danny : Okay, I won't eat the hot dog from the cart At 2:00 A.M. Krystal, you ever had one?

Krystal : I'm a vegan.

Girl 2 : How can you be a vegan and a total drunk?

Krystal : I'm not a total drunk.

Danny : Come on.

Guy 2 : You totally would.

Girl 2 : There's meat and there's satan food.

Danny : And your body's a temple, right?

Girl 2 : Oh, really?

Danny : Yeah, you know it.


The car swerved and fell from the bridge on a route clearance 

Radio : Medic 78, medic 114, bay ridge on ramp two

For a single-vehicle accident. Rescue's behind you.

Firefighter : You'll be okay. Help's on the way.

Paramédic : 24, go ahead.

Girl 1 : no. Oh!

Nancy : Okay, I got it from here.

Girl 1 : Thank you. Help me.

Nancy : Yep, that's what I'm here for. Okay, please just try to relax. We'll try and get someone to get you out of here. Her leg's pinned. Grab c-spine.

Glenn : Yeah, I got it.

Guy 2 : Help!

Nancy : I'm here, I'm here. Okay, does anything hurt? Can you tell me? Sir? Sir, can you hear me? Sir? Can you hear me, sir? Does it hurt anywhere?

Boone : What do we got?

Nancy : The driver's drt.

Tyler : "dead right there."

Nancy : Passenger is trapped. The girl back here in the back seat Is fine, but she needs a neck brace And the guy needs your help real fast.

Tyler : I'm here! I'm here! - Hey, nance. We can't wait on fire rescue.

Nancy : Got to wait for fire rescue.

Glenn : Rabbit ain't gonna wait for fire rescue.

Rabbit : Damn right I'm not. Hey, tyler, boone, you got the back seat there?

Tyler : Got it.

Boone : Hey, hey, hey! Grab her. Hey, hey, listen.

Rabbit : Hey, boone, head injury?

Boone : No, I think it's shock. Okay, listen to me. You were in a car accident. I think you're okay, but we need to get you To the hospital to make sure, all right?

Rabbit : You got his legs? All right. One, two, three. - Straight ahead.

Nancy : Please try and not move your neck, okay? Just breathe deep. Okay. We need to get the board in here.

Tyler : Hey, nance, I think I got a crushed larynx here, okay? I got to get an airway now.

Nancy : Bag him until you get him out of the car And then you intubate.

Tyler : Yes, ma'am. All right, hold on.

Rabbit : Rescue 11, where are you?

Rescue 11 : Dispatch got the address crossed. We're still ten minutes.

Rabbit : Okay, we're extricating without you, okay?

Rescue 11 : Big surprise there. Go with god, rabbit.

Rabbit : Stand back. Her leg's stuck. All right, on my count. One, two, three.

Nancy : Okay, can you wiggle your toes? Can you feel them? –

Girl 2 : No, I can't feel my toes!

Nancy : Okay, don't panic. Don't panic. That's just fine. Rabbit, get her on a line.

Rabbit : Yeah?

Nancy : Push some saline--

Rabbit : bolus.

Nancy : Exactly.

Rabbit : Okay, what are you thinking?

Tyler : Crush syndrome?

Nancy : I want to be prepared.

Girl 2 : What's crush syndrome? What is that?

Rabbit : That's--if something's got crushed And its load comes off, Your system suddenly gets flooded with potassium, Myoglobin, phosphorous, And that could shut down your kidneys, Your heart, all sorts of things, And we're being a little cautious.

Tyler : Okay, all right, that's good. Get that board under there. I got it. Let's get that under there. Hang in there, buddy.

Glenn : There we go. There we go.

Nancy : Okay, deep breath.

Rabbit : This is gonna hurt.

Nancy : That's it. Good girl.

Girl 2 : Ow!

Nancy : I know. I know. You're doing just great.

Rabbit : Okay, short, sharp breaths, okay? You want to hyperventilate. You want your system to get alkaline. Right now, you're all acidic.

Boone : Get some of that in your system. How's that leg coming?

Nancy : It's looking good.

Girl 2 : Ow! What's she doing? What is she doing?


She realizes that her boyfriend is dead

Girl 2 :  No, danny! No! Baby, please.

Nancy : You've got to try and stay calm. Keep your neck straight. You've lost a lot of blood.

Rabbit : Okay, you need to calm down.

Nancy : Please calm down.

Rabbit : Breathe out. Breathe out.

Nancy : Keep breathing. Breathe out.

Rabbit : That's good.

Boone : That's it. That's it. - Great. Okay. - Great. Great.

Tyler : That's better.

Nancy : Okay.

Rabbit : Okay.

Nancy : You got it?

Rabbit : We're ready to load. Let's load to go!

Marisa : We're loading him now. We should be about three minutes away. How you doing, rabbit?


The helicopter was en route to hospital
All rescuers returning rescue center, their day is over
00:05:08,491 -->

Tyler : Hey.

Marisa : Why don't you go home?

Tyler : Why? It's not like I'm gonna sleep.

Marisa : Yeah, I hear you.

Boone : Hey, 11 calls in 10 hours.

Tyler : That was a crazy day, man. That's right. Have a seat, my friend.

Boone : Mm-mm.

Tyler : Sela and the kids are in bed. They're sleeping. What are you gonna do?

Marisa : I'm in. There is something seriously wrong with us. You know that?

Tyler : Yeah, there is.

Nancy : Oh, no. Uh-uh. Not tonight.

Tyler : Why don't you come here and go where the love is?

Boone : Hey, what's up, man?

Glenn : Think I hate my job.

Boone : You're too new to hate your job.

Glenn : Next time I hear someone say that, I'm just gonna punch 'em.

Tyler : You're too new to hate your job.

Glenn : I'm too tired to punch you.

Rabbit : Hey, hey, hey.

Boone : Hey.

Rabbit : Hey. - Hey.

Nancy : You okay, rabbit?

Rabbit : Yeah, great. Awesome. Couldn't be better. So got a game going, huh?

Tyler : Yeah.

Rabbit : Oh, man.

Capitaine Basra : All right, who wants to make some overtime?

Tyler : You're kidding me.

Capitaine Basra : I'm way short on the graveyard shift. I'll take anybody I can get. Look, this is totally voluntary.


Tyler raised his hand, everyone follows.

Tyler : Oh, boy.

Boone : Mm, come on.

Glenn : Hey, Nance, do you want to drive?

Rabbit : Let's go save--

Capitaine Basra : thanks, guys. You got it.

Tyler : That's what I'm talking about. San francisco's finest. All right.


Later, Rabbit joined Nancy in the kitchen of the emergency196

Nancy : Hey. Here, let me see your eyes. We're gonna get caught.

Rabbit : Don't worry. My parents are out all night.

Nancy : Is this how you want people to find out about us?

Rabbit : Nope.

Nancy : oh, my god.

Rabbit : I want a better visual than that.

Nancy : Mmm, baby.


They intend to get Marisa. Rabbit is hiding behind the refrigerator door

Marisa : Hey, can I stash my lunch in your fridge?

Nancy : Sure. Cool. Thanks.

Marisa : Rabbit eats anything I put in ours. I swear it's like flying with a goat.

Rabbit : That is both hurtful and untrue.

Marisa : How did you get in here?

Rabbit : Same way I swipe your lunch.

Marisa : Basra wants us in the gym.

Rabbit : What?

Marisa : I'm not leaving my lunch alone with you.

Rabbit : Okay. Jeez.


Captain Basra receives Boone in his office

Captain Basra : Shut the door. Look... I'm going in for a stress test today. They're gonna put me on a treadmill And get an ultrasound of my heart.

Boone : You gonna be okay?

Captain Basra : The doctor's not really sure. That's why I'm going in.

Boone : Okay, well, I can take care of the desk if you need me.

Captain Basra : Okay. Let's keep this between us, okay?

Boone : Yeah.

Captain Basra : Thanks.


In the lounge of the emergency

Rabbit : Whoo!

Marisa : What's with all the happiness?

Rabbit : I'm high on life. Ain't it nice?

Marisa : Actually it's kind of creeping me out.

Rabbit : You're broken inside. That's sad.

Marisa : No, I just want to make sure this isn't some manic stage Before you shave your head and start shooting at planes.

Rabbit : Not today.

Marisa : Why are you so happy? You're really not gonna tell me?

Rabbit : Nope.

Marisa : Is it a girl? Two girls? Cheerleading squad?

Rabbit : Even better.

Marisa : Swedish volleyball team?


On a platform under construction

Laura Jean : Hey, Denny. Have a good weekend?

Denny : Drank too much. Ate too much.

Spent too much. You?

Laura Jean : Oh, you know me. Got drunk. Woke up in a stranger's bed, staggered home, Husband and kids wondering where I was.

Denny : You volunteered at the soup kitchen, didn't you?

Laura Jean : What gavme away, The imaginary husband and kids?

Denny : I appreciate the effort not to make me look bad.

Laura Jean : don't mention it.


Laura Jean descends into a pit, with a scale

Laura Jean : You should come with me sometime.

Denny : Economy get any worse, you'll be serving me. Oh!


Denny is leaning over the well and dropped a tool on the head of Laura Jean, who drops the ladder and made a long drop to the bottom of the well


Denny : Lj!


Glenn and Nancy quickly move to the platform


Radio : Medic 114, respond. 31-year-old female...


They arrive on the platform


Chief : Hey, one of my workers is down here. She's unresponsive.

Nancy : What's her name?

Chief : Laura jean.


At the bottom of wells, 2 rescuers with Laura Jean


Rescuer : Hey, we were waiting for you to get here before we moved her.

Nancy : Is she conscious?

Rescuer : Barely. You're the medic, right?

Nancy : Yeah, um, but glenn will go down. Glenn will come and help you out.

Glenn : Really? Can I?

Nancy : Okay, but listen.

Glenn : Yeah.

Nancy : You look her over carefully.

Glenn : Uh-huh.

Nancy : You tell me exactly what you see. You know enough. You can be my eyes.

Glenn : I don't know about that. I'll do my best.


Glenn : All right, miss, can you tell me your name?

Laura Jean : Laura jean.

Glenn : Laura jean?

To Nancy : I got a weak pulse.

To LJ : Can you tell me if this hurts?

Laura Jean : It stings.

Glenn : More of a sting or a tingling?

Laura Jean : I don't know. Both?

Glenn : Can you feel that? Does that hurt?

Laura Jean : Is that my foot?

Glenn : Okay.

To Nancy : Hey, Nancy, I'm gonna need you down here.

Nancy : You got a firefighter down there. He can board her and bring her up.

Glenn : No, I need you.

Nancy : Well, what's going on?

Glenn : Severe back pain, numbness, tingling in extremities.

Nancy : Crap, do not let her move a millimeter.

Chief : Wait, is she gonna be all right?

Nancy : It's a pretty bad fall, but we will do our best.

Glenn : Hey, hurry up.

Nancy : I'm trying.

Glenn : You all right?

Nancy : Uh, not really. I'm really bad with small spaces. Okay. Possible tenderness on palpations. Could be a burst fracture. I know. Two broken ribs. Possible fracture of the left tibia And right fibula. Put her on a pulse. Let's start an I.V. Send down a line and stokes basket.

Rescue : Copy. On its way.

Nancy : Wait! You cannot send her up this way.

Rescue : Why not?

Nancy : Look. You take her vertical, you're gonna paralyze her Or kill her.

Rescue : So how do we get her out of here?

Glenn : Hey, guys, what's going on?

Nancy : Look, this is a burst fracture. The compression could send bone fragments Into her spinal cord. We need somewhere that's bigger, That's wider, that I can take her out horizontally.

Rescue : Yeah, look, we need a larger opening.

Chief : Okay, we'll check on that.

Rescue : You sure we can't just hoist her up?

Nancy : Sure? No. Believe me, I wish it were different.

Glenn : The iron nancy carnahan has a flaw. Claustrophobia.


In a bank, customers are queuing outside a box


A customer, Jason : Excuse me, do you have a pen I could borrow?

A client, christine : No, I don't.

A customer : Maybe you should have filled that out earlier?

Jason : Yeah, I'm sorry. My head's a little off today. It's a nice pen.

A customer : Just hurry up, okay?

Christine :The teller's ready for you.

Jason : Yeah. Done.

customer : Thanks.

Jason takes out a gun and points it toward the cashier


Jason : Look, all I want is the money. No dye packs and don't push any buttons.


Jason takes Christine hostage


Jason : Get on the ground! Get on the ground now! Drop the cell phone now! Get on the ground! Get on the ground! You, out from behind the desk! Let's go! Put the hundreds in the bag and I'm gone, all right? Okay. Hands behind your head! Put your hands behind your head now! You be quiet and you be calm. You do something stupid and I swear to god, I will shoot you right in the head. Shut up! I don't want to hear it!

Customer : How do we know you won't kill us all anyway?

Jason : You see, that's kind of the point.

Customer : You don't.


The customer still holding his pen in hand, the plant in the neck of Jason.
Christine picks up the gun and everyone is


Jason : Back the hell up! Back the hell up!

Customer : What are you doing?

Christine : Stay down! Baby, are you okay?

Jason : Yeah, shoot him.

Christine : No.

Jason : Shoot him.


On the platform, Nancy and Glenn are still with Laura Jean downhole


Nancy : It just got a little worse after the accident. Being trapped in the rig for an hour Kind of flipped me out.

Glenn : Hey, nancy, listen to me. You'll be okay. All right, but I can't say the same about her. Vitals and repeat neuro exam are unchanged. No deterioration, but she's in a lot of pain.


Nancy is paralyzed and remains attached to the scale


Nancy : Well, push morphine, four milligrams, slow I.V.P.

Glenn : Narcotics are all you.

Chief : I looked at some schematics. Do you see a tunnel to your left?

Rescue : Yeah. Yeah, roger that.

Chief : That leads to an air duct. It's part of the bart system. You get to that, there's an opening to the street.

Nancy : How big? About eight by eight.

Nancy : How far?

Chief : Not far. 1,000 yards.

Rescue : All right then.


At the relief center, Rabbit rushes to the refrigerator


Rabbit : Oh, sorry!

Leo : Jeez. Hey!

Rabbit : Uh, sorry, leo. Emergency. Whew! Hey, is that today's paper?

Leo : Yeah.

Rabbit : Awesome.

Leo : What the hell, rabbit?

Rabbit : I told you, it's an emergency.

Marisa : Come on, man! You went back to get a lawn chair? Rabbit, we're late.

Rabbit : Yeah, well, I get the crossword and the cartoons.

Marisa : We're going to a bank robbery, not jury duty.

Rabbit : Correction. We're going on standby of a bank robbery. Now last time I got called to do standby, We held the wall for about ten hours Before the guy finally surrendered peacefully.

Marisa : Control, this is angel rescue two En route to bayside mutual. We're five minutes out, over.

Radio : Copy, angel rescue.


Police cars and armed men around the bank


Police : Now, now!

Rabbit : You got that?

Marisa : Yep.

Captain : Rabbit.

Rabbit : Hey, captain. Feds here yet?

Captain : On their way.

Rabbit : Anything I can do to help?

Captain : Let's hope not.

Rabbit : See? Nothing's happening. Feds ain't even here yet. There's a good spot.

Marisa : So really? We just sit here and wait?

Rabbit : That's right. And the emergency chair. Paper.

Marisa : All right, well, in that case, I guess give me the house section.


Boone and Tyler arrive and settle next to them


Tyler : Oh.

Rabbit : Hey, guys.

Boone : They start negotiating yet?

Rabbit : No.

Boone : You know how many hostages?

Rabbit : No.

Tyler : Hey, you got the sports page?

Rabbit : No.

Tyler : Well, what do you have? What is this?

Captain : Rabbit, lose the damn chair.

Rabbit : Yes, captain.


In banking, the phone rings


Jason : Don't answer that.

Christine : No, no. Don't. Don't. Oh, god, you're bleeding. Oh, god.


Christine picks up and responds


Christine : hello? I need you to send in a medic.


Laura Jean is discharged through the tunnel by 2 rescuers, Nancy and Glenn


Glenn : Hey, just try not to sweat it, all right? You're in a stupid sewer tunnel With your stupid probie partner.

Nancy : That's what I keep trying to tell myself.

Rescue : Yeah, how's that working?

Nancy : Not so great.


Before the bank


Reynolds : I'm special agent Reynolds. Let's go. One of you has worked a hostage situation before, right?

Rabbit : Well, if you call sitting around waiting "working."

Reynolds : Great. You're in. You're not.

Boone : Hey, what?

Rabbit : I need an extra pair of hands.

Reynolds : You'll have it. Special agent Rader will be going in with you As a paramedic. You go in there, keep your head down, Do your job, and let agent Rader do his. Now get the hell in there.

Rabbit : Okay. Get your dress on.

Tyler : How you doing? Mind if I check out your helicopter?

Marisa : Why?

Tyler : I don't know. Spent a full-on day chasing it around the city. I want to see what's so cool about it. Check out its guts.

Marisa : Yeah, knock yourself out.

Tyler : Yeah? Whoo-hoo. Ahh, cool! Got an infusion pump. You got handheld blood analyzers. How do you even get all this stuff?

Marisa : Okay, you know what, Tyler? Please, okay?

Tyler : Oh, ho-ho! This is what I'm talking about.

Marisa : Oh.

Tyler : Breaker, breaker.

Marisa : Okay.

Yeah, no, no, no. Yeah. No, no, no touching.

Tyler : No, I'm not touching. I'm just looking.

Marisa : Yeah, well, look with your eyes.

Tyler : I was looking with my eyes.

Marisa : What do you-- - no. No, no, no, no. See? You were looking with your hands, And us grown-ups, we call that touching.

Tyler : Okay, no, all right. I get it. I'm 800 hours into my paramedic training, okay? Don't patronize me.

Marisa : Okay, fine.

Tyler : I know you look with your eyes And you touch with your hands.

Marisa : Well, thank you. Now you can get out. Good day. Thank you. That's fine. All right.

Tyler : I'm not touching anything.

Marisa : I saw that.

Jason : Throw the bags down and put your hands on your head. We're here to help!


Rader and Rabbit enter in the bank


Rader : Yeah, and I'm here to get out alive.

Jason : Now put your hands on your head. Check the bags, babe. Check the bags.

Christine : Yeah. All right, good. What am I looking for?

Jason : Guns, knives, anything weird.

Christine : What's that?

Rabbit : That's a scalpel. I'm gonna need that. Look, do you want me to check out that wound?

Jason : Hold on to that.

Rabbit :I just want to take a look, okay? The pen's right on top of your lung there. You're probably finding it hard to breathe. Okay?

Jason : They clean?

Christine : This one's good.

Rabbit : All right, so try not to move too much, okay? I'm just taking a look. Just take a quick crack at this. Ooh. That is a good one. Ooh. Ooh, that's good. I'm gonna take your pulse now, okay? Try not to move.

Jason : What are you looking at?

Rader : Nothing.

Jason : No, no, no, you're looking all around the bank. He's over here helping me. You're over there looking at them. What's going on?

Rader : Just making sure everyone's okay.

Jason : Are you cops?

Rabbit : No, no. Hey, hey, you got to calm down, sir. I'm serious. You keep moving around like that-- You've lost blood. You're getting dizzy. If you just sit down, it'll get better. You keep moving around, it's gonna get worse.

Jason : That'd be good for you, wouldn't it? Come on.

Rabbit : People dying on me is never good.

Jason : They're lying, Christine. They're cops. It's a setup.

Rabbit : Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey. Hold on. Hold on. Come on. You don't want to hurt anyone. We're not cops.

Rader : We're just here to help you.

Jason : Yeah, you're just a couple of medics Here to take care of the injured, is that it?

Rabbit : Right, yeah. Pretty much.

Jason : All right. All right.


Jason shoots the customer who has planted his pen in his neck


Customers : Ah!

Jason : Take care of him.

Rabbit : It's okay. Cavitation. Find the exit wound.

Rader : Yeah, right here.

Injured : Ah!

Rabbit : You're gonna be okay, sir.




Reynolds : This is falling straight to hell.


In the bank


Jason : You're not very good at this, are you? Huh?

Rabbit : He's just not as experienced as I am, that's all. 500 milligrams. That ought to do it.

Jason : You, you're real good. You pass the test. You... Not so much. Maybe you need another patient, huh? Maybe I put a bullet in her knee, huh? Please don't. You think you could handle that? I mean, you don't have to be too experienced for that, right?

Rader : You're right. I'm not a paramedic.

Jason : You a cop?

Rader : Fbi. And you do not want to shoot a federal agent.

Jason : Really? What makes you so special?

Rader : Nothing. There are 40 of my coworkers outside with guns.

Rabbit : Shooting him's not gonna help anyone.

Christine : Baby, he's right. He's right. You do not want to kill a cop. Okay? We'll tie him up. Get down on your stomach and put your hands Behind your back! Do it now and don't move.

Jason : You got anything like handcuffs in there?

Rabbit : No, I don't. I've got a lot of bandages and, um, here. Here, I have posey cuffs. Try 'em.




Reynolds : They've made our man in there. I don't know what the hell that paramedic's doing.

Captain : That's rabbit. I know him. He's a good man.

Reynolds : Would you really trust a cowboy paramedic With their lives?

Jason : Stop worrying with him. Fix me.

Rabbit : He's got no time and you do.

Jason : Yeah, but I got a gun. Okay, okay, bud. I hear you. I'll cut you a deal, all right?

Rader : You're in no position to make a deal.

Rabbit : Oh, and you are?

Jason : I'm listening.

Rabbit : If you let me get him outside and treated, I can patch you up and get you ready to go. Look, if he's dying, I can't think straight. But he's okay, I can focus on you. Sound fair?

Rader : Listen to me. He has no authority to make deals with you.

Jason : Shut up! Shut up.

Rabbit : Sounds fair. All right.

Jason : Yeah.  All right. Christine?

Christine : Yeah?

Jason : Tell 'em we got one coming out.

Christine : Okay.



Outside, Tyler Boone and recovered the wounded


Boone : It's all right, buddy. We got you.

Tyler : Clear! Clear!

Boone : All right! On me. Come on! One, two, three, go!

Marisa : How's rabbit?

Boone : I don't know. Things were starting to get hectic though, Even for rabbit.

Marisa : Damn it.

Boone : Okay, well, this is different.

Tyler : And cool.

Marisa : Control, this is angel rescue two, En route to city. We're five minutes out. Over.

Boone : All right, here we go. All right, give me two large bore ivs wide open, Four milligrams of morphine.

Tyler : Okay, uh, maybe it's here. Let me-- -

Boone : come on, hey, hey.

Tyler : Hey! Whoa!

Look, I definitely know where this is.

Boone : Okay, how we supposed to work like this?

Marisa : Well, you can start by putting your seatbelts on.

Tyler : Where's the bags? Where's the saline?

Marisa : Okay, bags, saline, all that stuff Is by the patient's arms. And we got endotracheal tubes by the patient's head And trauma dressing by his feet.

Tyler : Oh, wow.

Boone : You actually paying attention up there?

Marisa : You have no idea the things I have seen.

Tyler : Whoa! Hey!

Boone : Oh, man! Man, I thought it was hard working while you drove.

Marisa : I heard that, boone.

Tyler : Hoo-wee!

Marisa : Oh, you think this is funny, tyler?

Boone : Sharps away.

Marisa : I don't want to lose him, guys. Come on.


In the tunnel, Nancy illuminates the darkness


Nancy : Guys, this is just going on forever and ever. I think we're going around in circles.

Rescue : Can we just keep moving? We're gonna have to turn around. It stops here. Damn it! A dead end?

Nancy : Oh, no.

Glenn : Aw, what the hell?

Nancy : Oh, no.

Rescue : Hey, we've got us a blocked passage here.

Chief : What?

Rescue : There we go.

Chief : All right. I can't do this. I'm not seeing that on the map.

Rescue : Listen to me. The passage is blocked.

Chief : Roger that. We'll find you another way out.

Glenn : Nancy! Wait! Wait!

Rescue : Jake, down, down, down. Down. Go down.

Glenn : Jake, I need you here, man.

Rescue : Yeah, I got it.

Glenn : Nancy! Hey!

Nancy! Nancy! Hey. Hey, we're gonna get out of here.

Nancy : I can't--

Glenn : listen. We're getting out of here. We will. We will. We'll get out of here.

Nancy : Just let me go!

Glenn : I need your help. No, I need you. okay? You can do this. We're gonna get out of here.

Rescue : Hey, I got an agonal respiration here! She's not breathing.

Glenn : Look--look at me, Nancy. Look at me. Nancy, just tell me what to do!


In the bank


Rabbit : Okay, that pen is between your jugular vein And the top of your lung.

Jason : Then take it out.

Rabbit : Can't do that. It's the only thing stopping that vein From bleeding freely. Big vein bleeding freely? Very, very bad. If I take out the pen, You'll be dead in about two minutes.

Jason : You could have been a hero. Saved the day.

Rabbit : Well, it's not too heroic if I kill my patient, is it?

Jason : He probably doesn't agree with you.

Rader : Listen to me. The most important thing is that everybody gets out okay. You and everyone else.

Jason : Yeah, well--

Rabbit : Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Jason : Christine.

Rabbit : Okay, you've got to lie down.

Jason : Christine. Take the gun. Be careful.

Rabbit : Shh. Come on. Now stop moving. I don't want you to get hypotensive And tachycardic.

Christine : What's that mean?

Rabbit : That means I need surgery And a hospital right now. I thought you said he'd be okay

Christine : If you just left the pen in.

Rabbit : He's been moving around too much, okay? He's starting to bleed out. Hang in there, buddy.

Jason : I'm not going to the hospital.

Rabbit : You need a hospital.Can you make him understand?

Christine : baby--

Jason : Baby, no! Don't lower the gun. Put the gun back up.

Christine : I'm not gonna stand here and watch you die.

Jason : I'm not gonna die. I'm not gonna die. Put the guns up.

Rabbit : Hey, hey, hey, hey. Look, guys, I am not joking around. You need to see a surgeon in the next 15 minutes Or you're gonna die from blood loss. It's a death—

Christine :fix him!

Customer : Please! Please!


In the tunnel


Glenn : Here. Nancy, she's brady. Hey, laura jean's bp is 80 over 50. Pulse is low. Just tell me what to do.

Nancy : I can't.

Glenn : Yes, you can.

Nancy : I can't.

Glenn : Nancy. Nancy, come on. Look at me. Look at me. Nancy, come back to me. This girl's gonna die, okay? Just talk to me, all right? Just talk me through it.

Nancy : Okay.

Glenn : Bradycardic, hypotensive.

Nancy : What-- - bra--

Glenn : Bradycardic, hypertensive. Good. What else?

Nancy : Keep going. No, no, it's not good. It's not good. She's going into neurogenic shock. You need to give, uh, ns bolus.

Glenn : Okay. Ns bolus. Okay, how much?

Nancy : Uh, 500cc ivp.

Glenn : Okay, I got it. Good. Now what? Now what?

Nancy : Is she stabilizing?

Glenn : Let me see. Heart rate is normalizing. Bp is still low. What do I do now?

Nancy : Push dopamine. Ten mcg per kilogram of weight.

Glenn : Nancy, I can't do that. I'm an emt.

Nancy : You have to.

Rescue : Hey, I didn't see anything. Go for it.

Glenn : All right, she's about 125. How much is that, Nancy?

Nancy : I can't do math right now.

Rescue : All right, 125. Two kilograms. That's like 2, 2, 50.

Glenn : Okay, okay, back off. Back off. All right, respirations are decreasing. She's still in respiratory distress. What's causing that?

Nancy : Oh, god, I can't breathe. I can't breathe.

Glenn : Well, neither can she and she's the one dying here! Just tell me what to do!

Nancy : I-- Okay, if it's a burst fracture...

Glenn : Talk to me.

Nancy : It means that it could be-- That it could be interfering with her phrenic nerve. Okay, she's losing control of her diaphragm.

Glenn : You have to intubate, nancy. You have to intubate.

Nancy : I can't.


In the helicoptère


Boone : He's in decompensated shock And suspected intraperitoneal hemorrhaging. We got to stop the bleeding. How much longer?

Marisa : We're one minute out. Trauma team is standing by.

Boone : 500ccs of crystalloid.

Tyler : Whoa, hey! Marisa, I can't do this with all the movement, huh?

Marisa : Tyler, it's a helicopter. I can't just pull it over to smooth things out.

Tyler : Unbuckle him.

Boone : Got him?

Tyler : All right. Okay, yeah?

Boone : All right, roll him.

Tyler : Oh! Whoa!

Boone : Oh! - Shoot.

Tyler : Okay! Okay! Whoa!

Boone : Hey, hey, hey! It's not stopping! It's not stopping!

Tyler : I know.

Boone : Stick your finger in the exit wound.

Tyler : Okay, all right. Whoa!

Customer : Ah!

Boone : There you go. There you go.

Tyler : Okay, I got it. I got it. I got it. Okay.

Boone : All right, come on, buddy.

Marisa : What's going on? Great.

Tyler : How's he doing?

Boone : All right, hold on.

Marisa : What's happening?

Boone : Okay. He's stabilizing.

Marisa : Yeah?

Tyler : oh.

Marisa : All right, here we are, boys.

Tyler : Whoo! Hoo-hoo-hoo! Wow, that was freaking awesome, huh? Come on.

Boone : Oh, whoa, whoa. Come on.


In the tunnel


Glenn : Take a breath. You can do this. I know you can. Come on.

Nancy : Okay, give it to me. Okay?

Glenn : Here. There you go. Back up. Back up, jake. She's coming in.

Nancy : I am shaking. Glenn, I can't do this. It would be irresponsible of me. You're good enough. You can do this.

Glenn : Nancy... Okay.

Nancy : Okay, go in. - All right. And at the roof of her mouth, Just imagine a half moon. Okay. Okay? Be very, very gentle.

Glenn : Okay. Okay. She's awake, Nancy.

Nancy : She's not awake. It's her reflex, okay?

Glenn : Here we go.

Nancy : Okay, yeah, go in And flick your wrist. Remember, flick your wrist.

Glenn : Okay, there we go. There we go. There we go. I'm in. I'm in. I'm in. I'm in.

Nancy : Okay, good.

Glenn : Okay.

Nancy : Okay, but make sure you just got airways. No esophagus, okay?

Glenn : I'm in. I'm in.

Nancy : Okay, good.

Glenn : I'm in. I'm in.

Nancy : You got it?

Glenn : Okay.

Nancy : You got it?

Glenn : Oh, my god.

Nancy : She's breathing. - You got it!

Chief : Okay, guys, we found a way out. If you backtrack about 100 yards, We can lift you out of a maintenance hatch.

Glenn : All right. All right. All right, let's go. We need to get her.


In the bank


Rabbit : Hey, he is really running out of time. He needs a doctor. You need a doctor and a surgeon.

Christine : Baby, you have to go to a hospital.

Jason : No.

Christine : We have to get you out of here.

Jason : No hospital.

Rabbit : Hey, look, if you give up now, He's got a chance, okay?

Christine : We'll go to jail.

Rader : You have a big problem with me coming in here As a paramedic and now you're hostage negotiator.

Rabbit : Hey, shut up, okay? If I can get you out of here and into an ambulance, We'll work the rest out later. Come on. Just put down the guns. You stop talking to her.

Jason : Shut up. You don't tell her what to do. Baby, listen to me.


A sniper is installed on the roof of the building next door and keep Christine in his sights


Sniper : I've got a shot.

Reynolds : How close is that paramedic?

Sniper : Close.


Jason : Just shut up! You stop talking to her!

Christine : Be quiet.

Jason : Shut up. No, just don't listen to him.

Christine : Be quiet.

Rabbit : Hey, you're gonna die, jason.

Jason : I don't want to die. I'm not gonna die.

Rabbit : It's over!

Christine : Let me think, okay?

Jason : You don't need to think.

Christine : Let me think.

Jason : There's nothing to think about, christine. We're not gonna give up, okay?

Christine : What should I do?

Jason : Don't listen, christine. No.

Rabbit : Give me the gun.

Jason : No.

Rabbit : Just give me the guns, okay? Trust me, okay?

Jason : Baby.

Rabbit : Give me the guns.

Christine : Okay.

Jason : Baby, don't give up. It's all right. That's right. Just--


At that moment the sniper shoots Christine collapses Jason


Jason : Christine?


Then he takes on Jason.
The FBI entered the bank, their arms in front


FBI : Stay down!

Rabbit : What the hell are you doing?

Reynolds : My job.

Rabbit : Did you see me there?

Reynolds : You might want to try it sometime.

Rabbit : Did you see me there?

Reynolds : You ran a little off the reservation here.

Rabbit : Hey, I had her, okay?

Reynolds : Oh, you had her?

Rabbit : Yeah, she gave me the guns.

Reynolds : You had her?

Rabbit : Yeah!

Reynolds : Who in the hell do you think you are?

Rabbit : Hey, you sent that clown in here! Backed us all into a corner! That's what you did!

Reynolds : Mm-hmm? And they're fine. So are you!

Rabbit : This is fine?

Reynolds : Yeah. But I will be talking to your supervisor.

Rabbit : Oh, like I give a damn.

Reynolds : Yeah! That seems to be the problem, doesn't it?

Rabbit : Yeah, well, get your hands off me.

Reynolds : You've got a problem with authority, don't you?

Rabbit : Get your hands off me. Here's my problem right here. See that? - Mm-hmm? Their blood and it's on you.

Reynolds : What the-- leave him. This isn't over.

Rabbit : Okay, fine. Whatever.




Glenn, Nancy, and Laura Jean 2 rescuers finally arrived at the open


Nancy : Thank you, guys.


The helicopter returned to the emergency center.
Boone telephone Sela, his wife


Boone : Sela, I know. I know. I should be home soon. Soon! Yeah, I promise. How's griff?

Tyler : Whoo-hoo! I got you. I'll help you clean.

Marisa : Really?

Tyler : Oh, yeah.

Marisa : Wow. Usually I do this myself.

Tyler : Ha ha. Funny. So do I. I got you. Least I can do. You let me dance with your date.

Marisa : Well, it's rabbit's date.

Tyler : Yeah? Thought it was your copter.

Marisa : Shut up and spray.

Tyler : Shut up and spray? Did I get any on you? Did I get-- come on.

Marisa : Man, seriously, tyler. Looks like a Pollock painting in there.

Tyler : You got to the elbow in there and get some grease, man.

Marisa : Well, usually I don't have to clean this much with you guys.


To the hospital


Nancy : Hey, this is Laura Jean. She's got two broken ankles, a possible fractured pelvis, And what looks like a burst fracture To the cervical spine.

Diana : Were you able to keep her horizontal during transport?

Nancy : Oh, you have no idea.


Later, with Glenn


Nancy : I'm so embarrassed. I'm so ashamed.

Glenn : Don't be.

Nancy : I'm sorry.

Glenn : Hey...You've had my back since I started. Every day. It felt good to finally be there for you.

Nancy : You're gonna put this in your book, aren't you?

Glenn : No. No, I'm not. Book's on hold for a while.

Nancy : Why?

Glenn : I don't know. Seems the more time I spend doing the job, The less I feel like writing about it, If that makes any sense.

Nancy : Glenn, that makes a lot of sense.

Glenn : Though I might still put the intubation in there, 'cause that's a little too good to let go.

Nancy : Yeah. You did really good down there.

Glenn : Thanks.


Emergency center.


Boone : hey. Hey, yeah, we had a tough one at the bank.

Captain Basra : Yeah, so I heard. Look, boone, the stress test didn't go so well. The doc says he's gonna have to put a stint in.

Boone : Well, it's good they caught it.

Basra : Your bedside manner sucks.

Boone : could be worse. It could be rabbit.

Basra : Look, I'm gonna be in here a minimum of two weeks, So I need you to, uh... Do something for me.

Boone : Pal, you didn't even have to ask. I'm ready to ride a desk.

Basra : Well, you may not feel that way After you do what I need you to do.


At the hospital


Glenn : Hey.

Diana : You know that woman you brought in earlier, The burst fracture? She was in pretty bad shape. Yeah.

Glenn : She made it though, right?

Diana : Yeah, no, she's stable and has sensation in her feet. Who did the intubation?

Glenn : Why, is there something wrong with it?

Diana : No, it's perfect. No chipped teeth. No mucosal abrasions. She probably won't even have a sore throat.

Glenn : Good.

Diana : Yeah.

Glenn : Nancy's a pro.

Diana : Yeah, nancy is a pro, but she does have a heavy hand. Her intubations always have some sort of laryngeal trauma. Always.

Glenn : Maybe she got lucky.

Diana : Yeah, I guess she did. Nice work, probie.


Rabbit is summoned to the office of Captain.


Rabbit : bas? Oh.

Boone : Yeah, I didn't dodge any bullets, man. Have a seat. Uh-huh.

Boone : Just as a friend, I think you did a great job today. A save, no hostage casualties, perfect.

Rabbit : As a friend?

Boone : But as acting captain, I need you hand over your card.

Rabbit : What's the charge?

Boone : Assaulting an FBI agent.

Rabbit : You know, he had that woman shot in the back of the head After she surrendered. She gave me the guns.

Boone : Rabbit, that is not our call, bro. Okay?

Rabbit : Man, I was right--

Boone : No, no, no, no. Listen, man. You've been running on the edge for a while now.

Rabbit : Come on. You know me, boone.

Boone : Yeah. I do know you, and so does Basra, But this time it went to the guys above us. You had to know you had it coming.

Rabbit : Yeah, I had it coming. I know.

Boone : You're also being suspended without pay, Pending a review.

Rabbit : I'm cool.

Boone : I'm sorry. All right?

Rabbit : You don't have to be sorry, man. You're just doing your job, right? Being a good captain.



* well, I'm never lyin' *

* and I'm a just a guy, but I... *

* and I'm wasted *

* and I can't find my way home *


Kikavu ?

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !